After many years of asking for it, in the early part of this century I was supernaturally (really very naturally) given the word Ecoluctorial which means the study of the Environment of Light. To go along with the word, I was taught many things about Light and how it affects our daily life. One of the first things I was shown was about the origin of the Spark of Life. Did you know that science has been able to prove that there is an actual spark of life that happens during conception? I was shown this around 15 years before the 2016 scientific video came along to prove it. Even without the video, though, it made sense to me as fusion requires a spark. So when the sperm and egg fuse, the spark of life happens. You can actually see it in the video below.
There’s a Universal Law that says “as above so below and as below so above.” That means what happens in the spiritual realm also happens here and what happens here also happens in the spiritual realm. So if there is a spark of life at the conception of humans, there was a spark of life at the conception of the universe. In not so scientific terms, it’s The Big Bang. In the Bible it’s when God said, “Let there be light.” Our conceptions mirror The Big Bang and God saying, “Let there be light” mirrors our conception. Isn’t that cool?! Then Jesus took this whole spark of life thing and expanded on it. In so many words, he said, “Listen, not only is there this Deity creating the Light, that Light is you! You are the Light of the World!” Now, if you logically accept you are made from the Substance of Spirit and that you are The Light of the World, you can begin to see you are not this body. Light isn’t solid. And that explains why no one has a pre-life memory of being either an egg or some sperm. Incorporate this into your thinking by pausing three times today and saying, “I Am The Light of the World. I’m not this body. I’m not these problems I see. I am The Substance of Spirit made into The Light of the World.”