
So you want to know more about me, huh?  Visiting a biography page feels a little like peeking into someone’s bathroom cabinet, doesn’t it?  Since you are peeking in, I’ll tell you some of the strange and more obscure facts so you get to know the real Kristine LeeAnn.

I am an Ecoluctorialist.  All my spiritual, religious and philosophical beliefs as well as my education boil down to this one thing – Ecoluctorialism.  That means I study the Environment of Light.  My entire function is to be that Light and a big part of my life’s joy is to help other people realize they are that Light too.  All of this is kind of ironic since one of my bizarre personal facts is that I was once struck by lightning.  The strike was what is known as a side flash.  It hit the house, traveled from the top floor to the basement and jumped over to me.  I walked with a limp for a month, but was otherwise relatively unharmed.

That is one of the things that has made me who I am.  Another fun fact is I have won Publisher’s Clearing House Drawings TWICE… for $10 each time.  Yes, people really do win.  :o)  And if that didn’t make you smile, you might be interested in learning my smile has been scientifically proven to raise the dopamine levels in anyone who sees it.  (That’s actually true of everyone.  I just like claiming and declaring it.  I have a great smile.  :o))

Another part of my history is the fact I once spent 8 months bed bound and followed that with years in a wheelchair and using a rollator to get around.  This was not the result of the lightning strike.  It was a rare brain disorder that mimicked a brain tumor.

Before the brain disorder, my family doctor was the county coroner and my gynecologist helped deliver an elephant at the zoo.  I really liked them as my doctors because how bad can I look after what they’ve seen?  :o)

The single most unusal thing about me, though, is the fact I love the smell of burning flesh. 

I’m going to let that sink in for a moment. 

I’m not talking grilled meat here.  I’m talking about a good old fashioned funeral pyre – a cremation.

You’re still here?  Okay, here’s where I explain that last one.  From the age of 2 to 6 years old (you know, those really critical formative years) I lived beside the local veterinarian.   My playtime was spent taking in the scent of beloved pets being given their final spark in this life.  So now, that’s a super weird comfort scent to me.

On the normal side of things, I am a wife, mother and metaphysical minister. I have my ministerial PhD with a specialty in Conscious-Centered Living and a second ministerial doctorate in Theocentric Psychology.

Now that you have an idea who I am, let me direct my attention toward you.

When I started this website, I knew I wanted to share the metaphysical principles that have brought me peace and helped me go from being sick, depressed and even suicidal to loving the present moment and having hope for a beautiful future. I just didn’t know how. A lot of my blog posts will show that. But as of now, my blog posts are going to be the letters to you, my friends, future friends and people curious about what I have to say.

What you will see is exactly what you might find if we were writing one another privately. I’m going to share the day to day insights I gain from reading and the ways those insights turn into visual analogies in my head or the examples that come straight out of my life experiences.

I am not presenting an authoritative work on this site. This is my personal love letter to you. Even if we have yet to meet, I can tell you with the utmost sincerity, I am grateful to have you in my circle. I want you to have peace and I hope by my unique Kristine experiences, you can find some things that help bring a little sparkle and a lot of Light your way.

Thanks for being here!

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